Sandra Boynton: Everything but the Hippopotamus

6:05 PM Posted by Erin Tales

With Sandra Boynton you can forget the old, standard, "A cow says Moo" kind of book when you are trying to teach your child farm animals and their sounds. Instead reach for these Barnyard Classics.
1. Barnyard Dance: It's a hoedown at this barn, with a cow calling the shots. Pigs, sheep, horses and ducks all get lively as they strut their stuff with a Neigh and a Moo and a Cluck Cluck Cluck. You can't help but sing the lyrics to your children, and if you really get in the spirit everyone can dance along!

2. Moo, Baa, La La La: Boynton just wanted to make sure you were listening. As a cow says Moo and a Sheep says Baa and three singing pigs sing La La La. Huh? Don't worry about confusing your children, because if they are anything like mine they quickly get the joke and shake their finger at the singing pigs to say, "No No No". It' s a fun, quirky book that invites children to read along - which is what we are all about here at More than Dick and Jane!

I was very tempted to throw this book into my next series of reviews, which is going to be dinosaur books. But it is a Boynton Board Book. So let's take a quick peek at one of my son's favorite Boynton Books:
3. Oh My Oh My Oh My Dinosaurs!: The book is less about dinosaurs and more about adjectives and opposites. It just uses dinosaurs to illustrate the point. It has 22 adjectives/opposites. And then three funny action sequences, just to work it all together in a quirky manner. My son's favorite part is when the dinosaurs are singing a dinosaur song. And you really have to sing it - there is even note music! The type used helps convey the story even more. For example, the work "weak" is spindly and small. While the word "strong" is bold and ginormaus - complementing the huge blue dinosaur it is describing. It's a loud of laughs and you and your children will have fun acting out the parts of the dinosaurs. For example, my son and I make a muscle when we read "Dinosaur Strong."

Can you point out your Bee-Bo? Everyone has one...
4. Belly Button Book: I might have to blame Sandra Boynton for my 27 month old not saying Belly Button. But he will gladly point out your Bee-Bo, as well as his, his brother's and his daddy's. Bee-Bo is just a tiny hippo way of saying belly button in this cute board book. Every page has tons of hippos wearing skimpy bathing suits to show off their beloved Bee-Bo. It is a quirky little book dedicated to that little button everyone has. And it's a great way to torture family members who are squeamish at having their belly-buttons touched. "Keegan, Where is Daddy's Bee-Bo?" :wicked giggle: See reading IS fun!

Know someone with a birthday coming up? Well, put down that $3.99 Hallmark card and pick up Birthday Monsters by Sandra Boynton.
5. Birthday Monsters: Just imagine. It is bright and early and you are sound asleep when five birthday monsters barge right into your house to celebrate your birthday. But they do it birthday style, which involves making a monster sized mess of things. They ruin breakfast, eat your cake, take your presents and much more. But just when you think you have had the worst birthday ever, they come right back and make sure you have EVERYTHING you need for the perfect birthday. It's fun, silly and really would mean more to a child then a paper birthday card.

And, of course we cannot forget the Hippopotamus.
6. But Not the Hippopotamus: Sandra Boynton began her career with writing about hippos going berserk. So we'll end this string of reviews dedicated in her honor with But Not the Hippopotamus. If you want to get deep, the story is about a hippo who feels left out of everything. Other animals pair off to do one fun activity or another, but not the hippopotamus. But just when you think the hippopotamus is just not very popular, all the animals ask her to join them in for a fun animal jog! Honestly, when I read it I just like the repetitiveness of the line,"But Not the Hippopotamus" and the adorable drawing of the hippo spying on the other animals. Like they wouldn't notice a hippo hiding behind a tree. :giggle:

Sandra Boynton just has a wild sense of humour and can write about anything on a child's level.

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