How Do Dinosaurs...

7:28 PM Posted by Erin Tales

Most kids LOVE dinosaurs. Creatures that are almost bigger than their imagination. So it is no surprise there are so many books about dinosaurs out there. One popular series is the "How Do Dinosaurs...: series. My sons and I had the pleasure of reading two of the books and LOVED them.

1. How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors?
by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

This was my first introduction to the How Do Dinosaurs Series of books. And it was a great start! I am now excited to read the other in the collection. The illustrations of the dinosaurs are cartoon-like and friendly, yet detailed. They are doing very un-dinosaur like activities throughout the story, such as pulling a red firetruck from under the bed or chasing a pink ball bouncing down stairs. Yet, they remind me of toddlers with their exuberance and facial expressions. The story is simple, it uses everyday objects, such as a blue robe or orange backpack to teach children their colors. But rather than boring ol' people showing off these colorful artifacts, its exciting dinosaurs with names like velociraptor or tropeognathus written next to their illustration so you know what they are. If your child is a dinosaur fiend like mine, this book will be a delightful addition to their color or dinosaur book collection.

Pages: 14, including cover
Words: Approximately 80
Reading level: Birth to Preschool
Publisher: The Blue Sky Press, September 1, 2006
Suggested Retail Price: $6.99

2. How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms?
by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

Everything I like about How Do Dinosaurs Lean their Colors?, I like in How Do Dinosaurs Clean their Rooms? Once again we place mighty dinosaurs, such as tuojiangosaurus and parasaurolophus in modern day scenarios as they either try to hide the mess in their rooms or actually tidy them up. While I don't think this book will inspire a 2 year old to clean their room like a dinosaur, I do think it is a nice introduction into cleaning up after playing with toys. And no matter what, it is fun to read and point out the different dinosaurs. A must-read for any tiny toddler with a dino-sized love for dinosaur books.

Pages: 14, including cover
Words: Approximately 100
Reading level: Birth to Preschool
Publisher: The Blue Sky Press, September 1, 2004
Suggested Retail Price: $6.99

The stories really do have social or educational value. Other books in the series include:
How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?
How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten?
How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?
How Do Dinosaurs get Well Soon?

If you read any of these books, feel free to leave a comment and let us know your favorite one! Or even your favorite dinosaur from the series.
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