Cause and Effect Toddler Books

One of my favorite series of books is the "If You Give..." books by Laura Numeroff and illustrated by Felicia Bond. Laura Numeroff has actually written many other titles, outside of this series, but she is most well known for her pesky animals that turn a house upside down after they are given a treat.
The "If You Give..." series includes:
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (1985),
If You Give a Moose a Muffin (1991),
The Best Mouse Cookie (1995)
If You Give a Pig a Pancake (1998),
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies (2000),
If You Take a Mouse to School (2002),
If You Give a Pig a Party (2005),
Merry Christmas Mouse (2007)
and most recently
If You Give a Cat a Cupcake (2008).
The Best Mouse Cookie and Merry Christmas Mouse actually don't follow the "If you give a ..." format, although they are included in the series.
The great thing about these books is they really teach cause and effect to little ones. Plus, the illustrations are very detailed with lots of fun hidden surprises to look for.
Over the next few days I will break up the series into Mouse Books, Pig Books and Moose Book. But two of the books in the series are actually Christmas related, so be on the look out for those reviews early December.
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